Current Status

We know many of you eagerly await the release of Atlantic Fleet. At this time testing and polishing of the game continues and we’re working hard to make the game bug free and stable across the various devices.

Note that there is no set release date as Atlantic Fleet will be released once we are happy with it and it gets through the review process. Expect more announcements over the next few weeks as we work day and night to get the game submitted to the various stores.

In the meantime, here’s a screenshot of RAF bombers doing their part in a Battle of the Atlantic dynamic campaign.

For more info and discussions visit Killerfish Games over at Facebook.

27 Responses to “Current Status”

  1. idahar13

    Thank you so much for giving us some info I wish it could come earlier but your dedication is amazing. Looks great

  2. Zachery

    Can’t wait for this game to be released!! It’s going to be so amazing! It looks like the campains are going to be more in-depth then PF’s campain. Counting down the weeks till we get to play it!

  3. idahar13

    It’s a shame I was hoping for a no connection needed game for spring break road trips.

  4. shawnlp

    Wait what? You need connection in order to play this? Killerfish Games please i need you to reply back to me

    • idahar13

      No you don’t need it. I was saying I was hoping it would be out in time for me to use it in that role during spring break

  5. PS4

    One more thing… did you see how hms hood has taken her final shot when she was sinking? Could that happen in atlantic fleet?

    • Killerfish Games

      That cannot happen in Atlantic Fleet. Once a ship is sinking it can no longer issue a move or attack order.

  6. Jack

    Thank you so much Killerfish, i love Pacific Fleet and cant wait until Atlantic fleet!

  7. Jack

    And would there be a one v one mode like KMS Bismarck vs Hood or Prince of whales, maybe even US Battleships like Iowa and Wisconsin, thank you so much, I cant wait!

    • Killerfish Games

      You can have 1v1 encounters in the dynamic campaign (depending on where ships are during the turn) and can also set up any 1v1 encounter you’d like with the Single Battle Custom Mission editor.
      US battleships are not in the game… yet.

      • NumberOneBSUFan

        I think it would be cool if more U.S ships were added, but only after Germany implements Plan Z. But, I don’t want to get to far ahead of myself as this hasn’t been released yet. Anyways, good luck with these final stages of development!

    • Killerfish Games

      No. Non-combatant ships are currently restricted to freighters and oil tankers.

  8. josiah rodriguez

    when a ship singks on the app will you add so that you can she the a ship under the sea

  9. josiah rodriguez



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