First draft of a full game manual for Atlantic Fleet is now available for download to supplement the information given in the in-game one. A German version will be coming soon also.

First draft of a full game manual for Atlantic Fleet is now available for download to supplement the information given in the in-game one. A German version will be coming soon also.
The screens has been taken inside unity editor?
Most taken on an iPad Air 1. A few on PC Unity editor.
Thank you!!
Can’t wait for the German manual!
Bitte noch ein paar Tage Geduld. Wir wollen noch die letzten Änderungen im Spiel einarbeiten. Dazu muss das neue Release aber erst fertig sein.
When do think will see an Amazon release? Some time this month or am I better off just getting a new tablet that has access to the play store? Any answer would be awesome
Amazon release is close, but might get delayed as we continue to work to support the initial releases.
No exact time frame yet.
Can we have ships from pacific fleet?
No. Different game in a different theatre of war.
But wasn’t the British in the pacific? Oh and in pacific fleet what if we could type in a ship from the pacific and then fight with it for exampel uss North Carolina type it in and then you could play it but that is a vison.
North Carolina served in atlantic as well
one of the rules in campaign says that you cannot own duplicates of the same ship. however I was able to purchase a 2nd bismarck BB which is nice for me. 3 marcks class ships devastated the british line up hehehe
Sounds like a bug 🙂
Yes, I had the same thing; if you have run out of ships (for example you’ve got both Bismarck-class) and click “buy ship” then it says ‘Purchase BB [blank space, no name provided] for 75,000 renown?’ at which point you accept and then you have duplicates of the ship. Battleship Bismarck II reports British fleet for the Final Fight has been decimated with few casualties.
Would it be possible to have an option to disable the AI from withdrawing in custom battles? Sometimes I just fancy duking it out to the end between 2 battleships but the AI always prioritises saving it’s ship. I understand why but it’d be nice to have the option to prevent it withdrawing.
Deliberately targeting propulsion systems is part of the strategy of sinking a ship (versus driving it off).
If such an option was added there would be almost no use in leaving disengage on…
Thats cool about the game manual but im still waiting for the “crashing at the start fix” so I haven’t even gotten to play the game yet. Any idea on when that will come out?
It should be in the next update. No time estimate on when we’ll get that out though.
Is it possible to do something with the smoke ships in the game?I know that I cant see ships behind that smoke and get a their possition but I can clearly see the source of the smoke so why I cant get info about it?I think its a big BS especially when the smoke ship is facing me and is about 100m away.For example: when destroyers are trying to hide aircraft carriers behind the smoke they are in a big danger because enemy know the possition of smoke source not the aircraft carriers so they will attack the destroyers first.I hope that you will understand what Im trying to say because my english isnt very good.Also since Im playing mostly on PC you should add anti-aliasing option.Thanks,
Using the Tactical Map shot history makes hitting smoking targets very easy.
Also if the enemy is 100m away, it should be very easy to hit.
The game is designed this was so that smoke offers some protection for a retreating ship (since it gave up an attack). With some practice and the Tactical Map, smoking ships become quite easy to hit consistently.
I am playing the game on my Samsung S 5. Love the game and the theme song at the beginning. Would love to purchase the music
Soundtrack available here:
I know that you can unlock the Lion and H class Battleships in the game. I was wondering if you could just add them into the base game, that way we don’t have to unlock them. Unfortunately I suck at the Battle of the Atlantic and can’t seem to beat it.
Yes. It feels too hard to destroy one H class with a KGV class. I have resorted to submarines to fight the ships in mission 50, yet I can’t get three stars.
H, Bismarck and Scharnhorst classes will be a bit easier to sink with the next update.
That’s good. How’s progress coming along on the update?
Can you add the H-44?
It is possible to add it, not sure if/when we’ll ever get to it though.
I think the battleships need a lot of weakening 2 shells from the hut ten disabled two turrets on the HMS Nelson yet 130 16″AP shells could not sink the Bismarck nor destroy it’s engine
Were the 130 shells hitting in the right places? Also range is a factor and determines whether you need to hit the deck or try and punch through the belt.
They all hit the the engine room plus I tried putting 15 torpedoes on one side of the hut ten and it didn’t work(not at the same time or else that would induce countersinking
Hmm that does sound a bit excessive. H39’s shouldn’t be that strong… Will look into it.
Hutten really isn’t strong; I went into private battle immediately after unlock with the Hood and she sank be after scoring just one hit and one (very) close hit with Tallboys! My Fritz-10s barely hit – in fact, is there a way to be better with aiming because sometimes they drop almost vertically whilst others they fly straight and true for ages before falling!
how do you get tallboys
Tallboys are randomly chosen in Single Battles. In 1.02 you’ll be able to chose what plane you want and what you want to arm it with.
I know your growing tired of seeing My name lol, But whats the update on Amazon Store… Are we going to see it this week, Or shall i come back in an eon….. sorry for being sarcastic… but its taking a long time
It was very close, but we’ve now decided to add a series of tutorial missions to help new players.
So a little while yet. Check back in a week.
Another week eh? Not to bad more time for the witcher 3 XD to many games to buy!
I think scharnhorsts turret A didnt has a rangefinder you can may change this with the next update and also it would be nice if I can choose my planes and their waepons in custom battle
Choosing planes and weapons in Custom Battles is coming next update.
There is a bug with the HK ships as the rear two turrets don’t move/rotate but the port 2 guns move instead turning into the hull of the ship if you are aiming to starboard. I have unlocked the Lion getting 3 stars in all British missions. Trick is to use graph paper and the plot map set to 8X zoom, also keep a log of gun types and how far they shoot. Log the distance AFTER your shot as measured from the 8X shot plot map. Pretty soon you will have enough info to measure a ships distance on the map and get first shot hits. DO NOT TRUST THE RANGE DATA FROM DRUNKEN DYSLEXIC MONKEYS WORKING AS GUNNERY OFFICERS. Aim for the turrets first to disable the BBs and make them pop smoke one at a time then go back and sink them.
Also I finished BotA last night as the Germans in May of 1941. Keep one BB with one DD in the 3-4 squares around England to kill of their big ships. Use the DD to pop smoke and hide the BB from view. Keep one CA or CL in each cargo lane square and one sub each on the US coast and around the cargo sealanes.
Good Hunting!!!
Wow, thanks for all the advice. This should come in handy.
Will look into the HK’s.
Awesome, was wondering when someone might plot the gun distances 🙂
UR right the bug is by atlantis and pinguin
Hi! just for fun, how about including a casualty list (KIA, MIA, missing, POW) after a battle, seems realistic (and also puts humanity in a war of ironclads) for me to see it at the end of a battle too… just a thought ^^
Could we also increase the max ships we can deploy per mission in simplified campaign to 4 or more? The enemy occasionally has a numerical advantage.
I don’t know if they would. It helps with keeping things difficult and plus the whole 3 ships in a campaign stemmed from Pacific Fleet.
The numerical advantage for the enemy is intentional as the later zones are meant to become quite difficult.
Mission 51:Boss Fight.
German H-44 Battleship.
Displacement:131,000 t
Length:345 m
Beam:51.5 m
Draft:12.7 m
Speed:30.1 knots
8 × 50.8 cm (20.0 in) guns
12 × 15 cm (5.9 in) guns
16 × 10.5 cm (4.1 in) guns
28 × 3.7 cm (1.5 in)
40 × 2 cm (0.79 in) guns
Aircraft carried: 4–9 Arado 196 seaplanes
Boss strength:long range cannons,high shell damage(able to kill battleships in one salvo),strong armour(only BB and BC cannons,heawy aircraft bombs and heawy cruiser torpedoes can damage it).
Boss weakness:not accurate guns,large target(easy to hit with cannons/torpedoes/bombs).
The boss fights can be disabled via settings.
So,how do you think-should it be added ingame?
Very cool suggestion!
It is a lot of work to model and add two capital ships. We might spend that time modeling actual ships as we already have the Lion and H39 as “super-ships”.
I suggested the H-44 because it was hm…a much more epic super ship than H-39.(It’s bigger than Iowa.Bigger than Yamato.Bigger than modern Nimitz!)
Basically,making H-39 several times bigger,editing some turrets+introducing some new details,plus recolouring,plus changing it’s stats will do the job.
P.c. and renaming it to H-44.
The German campaign counterpart is mission 51-Montana boss(US prototype battleship,borrowed by the British Navy).
P.c. this ships can be unlocked after the completion of the campaign,and used by the player.
One such ship takes 3 ship caps(it means,that if you use this ship in a battle,you can’t take other ships with you).
The prices are 89 000renown for the H-44,and 75 000 for the Montana.
I want to have the Montana class battleship in Atlantic Fleet. There are too few American ships in the game. Can we also have the Fletcher class destroyer, a few American battleships, USS Wasp, USS Ranger, USS Yorktown (CV-9), and USS Long Island (CVE-1)?
Can we have USS North Carolina too? (first half of atlantic war before pacific)
It has 16 inch armour
It was there according to wikapedia
The North Carolina completed her final shakedown cruise in the Caribbean Sea before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Early in 1942 she was scheduled to steam there, but remained in the Atlantic Ocean for a few more months as a potential counter to the German battleship Tirpitz if Tirpitz began to attack supply and troop convoys destined for Great Britain
it needs to have a higher price if that is so
I just completed the British campaign. I believe that you unlock the Lion Class BB after completing the campaign, but yet I do not see that it is unlocked. I did not 3 star every sector, do you need to do that in order to unlock the ship?
You only need to have 3 stars in mission 50, others can be less than three. You will unlock the super battleship for the faction you played as.
Well, this just got interesting. I think I need wait until 1.02 then. The two H-39s and the Bismarcks are too hard for me to sink at this point with surface ships. I’ve only managed to sink half the ships with subs too.
Killerfish Games, can we have the Iowa-class battleship in Atlantic Fleet? According to Wikipedia, USS Iowa was in the Atlantic, in Newfoundland, stationed there to combat Tirpitz if it entered the Atlantic, until 1944?
Also, USS New Jersey was in the Atlantic and Carribean for crew training before being deployed to the Pacific.
I have not even played BotA yet and I will not play BotA until the next update comes lol
List of ships I’m hoping for;
Graf Zeppelin-class (Germany has too few capital ships to combat Britain)
The remaining two Admiral Hippers, Seydlitz and Moltke.
Elements of the United States Atlantic Fleet such as Iowa-class, New Mexico-class and convoy escorts.
Type XXI Elektroboot as the German boats have too few torpedo tubes in comparison to the Tritons.
Possibly to counter the addition of American units to the Allied side (if they’re added) the addition of a select few Italian units?
Or is all of this just wishful thinking…
Any updates on the Amazon release? Any response would be awesome
Any day now 🙂
Testing is coming along very well and the game is looking better than ever.
Sooner the better. I still have a bunch of Amazon coins, otherwise I would just go to google play
Americans had submarines stationed in the Atlantic during WW2, including the Gato class. Can they be added to Atlantic Fleet?
The British also had more submarine classes in WWII, such as the U-class, V-class (long hull version of U-class), and Amphion-class, which was launched near the end of the war, but didn’t see combat.
The Gato-class is faster than the British T-class (Triton) submarine when surfaced, at 21 knots compared to 15.5 knots. Amphion was faster too, at 18.5 knots when surfaced.
Do AI destroyers and corvettes have to wait for a hit among them in order for them to activate their sonar? they didnt mind pursuing until my torp hits one of them.
Sort of. A submarine attack will definitely get them actively searching for the attacker.
so its like a handicap of AI that they are passive at first and will not actively search for subs at the first instance like a human player?
im sorry, i mean when i am using subs against AI DDs
Can you delete the tiny h-39,and add an h-44 instead?
It’s basically a much bigger version of h-39.You don’t even have to make new models.Just rename the h-39 to h-44,make it several times bigger,edit it’s stats and reskin it.
And maybe add some more turrets.
Tiny? H-39 is pretty big compared to other ships in the game. If H-44 were in game too, what sole British ship could counter it? Could the American Montana class even counter it?
Actually,the Montana can counter it.
The H-44 is basically like 3 h-39 taped together.
I do feel that the Montana’s armor could potentially rival the H-44s, but as far as guns go, I don’t think so. The eight 20 inch guns of the H-44 are unrivaled, especially when compared to the Montana’s twelve 16 inch guns. Don’t get me wrong either, I would love to see H-44 in game, just as long as there was a British, American, or Soviet ship that could counter it.
The H-44 will win against Montana, if it gets accurate shots. Also, H44 will be the hardest one to sink, it is even bigger than any aircraft carrier.
What about having the Tillman IV-2 Maximum Battleship? This is the most powerful of the Tillman battleships that were designed during World War I. It was supposed to have five triple turrets, a total of 15 18 inch guns. Here are specifications for all Tillman battleships designs.
Also, this link contains made-up pictures of the H-44 battleship, and its specifications.
Edit: The link for the H class uses the specifications of the H-39. The H-44 specs are here.
Why not just have a H-42 I mean this ship had a displacement of 90,000 tons that’s heavier then the Yamato and she had 19 in chers probably still would knock out any allied ship in game
The IV-2 tillman and the Montana class.
The IV-2 is 80 000 tonns,304.3 meters long,32.9 beam,10.0 draught,Fifteen 18″/50 in five 3-gun turrets,5″ deck armour,16″/8″ belt,18″/10″/5″/9″ turret armour,25.2 knots spd.
The Montana class is 70 000 tonns,280.8 meters long,36.93 m beam,10.97 m draft,
12 × 16-inch (406 mm)/50 cal Mark 7 guns
20 × 5-inch (127 mm)/54 cal Mark 16 guns
10–40 × Bofors 40 mm anti-aircraft gun
56 × Oerlikon 20 mm anti-aircraft cannons armament,armour side belt: 16.1 inches turrets 22,5 inches,decks 9.3 inches.
p.c. the montana is 28 kn spd.
the americans have montana.its as big as yamato.
the soviets have a soviet class battleship.its pretty big.
Glad to see that I’m not the only one,who likes epic ships.
The G3 class appears a little underpowered, but the N3 class Battleship seems like it could work.
Maybe the british G 3class battlecruisers had a little chance to counter the h 44
How can i get the plane “barracuda”?
It is an upgrade during a BotA campaign. After Jan 1943, new carriers or refitted ones have their Swordfish replaced with Barracuda.
will there be a third game?
indian fleet?mediterranean fleet?black sea fleet?arctic fleat?
I think the best idea for a third game is pacific fleet 2 with great carrier operations and planes