The wait is over, Atlantic Fleet PC/Mac edition is now available from Steam.
Contains greatly improved graphics, more detailed ship models as well as an overhauled user interface with mouse and keyboard support.

The wait is over, Atlantic Fleet PC/Mac edition is now available from Steam.
Contains greatly improved graphics, more detailed ship models as well as an overhauled user interface with mouse and keyboard support.
Looks gorgeous, good work Killerfish!
Are there any new ships? Like the Hindenburg?
At this stage there are no additional ships in the PC/Mac version.
Tis a pity you would of been met with resounding cheers if you had added some! I vote for Black Swan Sloops week 3.5 January 1940 ,Wickes and Clemson Class aka Town class in the RN nomenclature 4 stacker DD’s in week 3 January1941, Hunt class DE’s, Benson class DD’s, The USS Ranger, Guadalcanal class CVE’s ,Sumner class DD’s in early ’44, and Victory class freighter May ’44. Oh and for those who keep wanting the H-42-H-44 BB I say fine but that will bring ALL of your U-boat production to a screeching halt since those puppies will devour all the resources Das Reich has!! Which will it be? Big BB that is a bomb magnet or the type XXI U-boat? You can’t have both.
I don’t think Hindenburg will be added. It’s a fictional ship that only exists in World of Warships for balancing purposes.
I was playing a BoTA battle with U-boats. I managed to torpedo HMS Belfast and cripple her steering and propulsion. Additionally, she was listing heavily. The following two turns, HMS King George V rammed the ship on its listing side at 21.0 knots. However, instead of dealing damage, HMS King George V and HMS Belfast were glitched inside of each other. This was resolved after the battleship moved the next turn, but the Belfast should have sustained damage from the collision.
In another BoTA match, I had KMS Atlantis against the HMS Courageous. On the map however, was another HMS Courageous and KMS Atlantis. They were approximately 30,000 yards away. They were maked as sunk at the beginning of the battle. However, these could be targeted, but bombs simply passed through them. They did not move the entire match. In a sense, they were ghost ships.
In regards to a similar event, I played a single player custom battle with HMS King George V and a U-boat. Then I played the historical mission Sinking Courageous, and the HMS King George V and the U-boat were present. On the map, they were marked as sunk. They did not move or fire, but I could target them.
I don’t think the British Royal Navy ever equipped their cruisers’ 6 inch and 8 inch guns with star shells.
If the Revenge is damaged to the point where its superstructure is destroyed, two men can be seen floating in the air on where her tripod mast was at.
In BoTA, the ships of both factions (in particular the British Royal Navy and the Allies) should receive a small boost in AA firepower for ships as the years progress to account for the additional AA guns mounted, new AA technologies such as the VT shell, and improved fire control systems.
Allow for the complete destruction of propulsion systems and/or steering subsystems if enough damage is taken. As it stands now, these systems only turn orange or yellow when damaged on the subsystems page in battle, and can be restored in a few turns. It should be allowed to be completely destroyed. If propulsion can’t be restored following the battle, the ship is scuttled.
Allow for the permanent destruction of secondary batteries in battle. It appears orange or yellow in the subsystems page in battle when damaged, and it can be restored during battle. However, it should be destructible like the main turrets. Perhaps as the damage increases, fewer turrets become available until all are offline on that side of the ship.
Hello. It is obvious you really love navel gaming like myself and your letter deserves a reply. 1) Star shells, you are right they were only used in the 4.7″ inch guns. Great site btw every weapons system and naval tech system from 1800’s to present! The 2ndry guns on CA’s and BB’s would fire the star shells. Oh for what it is worth i have sunk submarines in this game with County Class CA’s with their torpedoes! Oh you have to get pretty close. To say it is risky is a gross understatement! 2) VT proximity fused shells. Over all not a bad point BUT you would would have to restrict the exclusively to the USN. We shared that technology with NOBODY! While it is true it was used during the landing at Salerno for the most part as far as the USN’s use of it is concerned 99.5% of those rounds was deployed in the Pacific and that was were the priority was. By the time we get to where the Proximity fuse was available in large quantities (mid ’44) The Luftwaffe was no longer a threat to in the Atlantic. Having 1200-1500 B-17’s and B-24 Liberators by day and an equal number of Lancasters and Halifaxes by night every day and night does keep the Luftwaffe very bust to put it mildly! However you are right that by the time we get to late1943 and onwards the radar driven gunnery fire control especially on 4.7 and 5 inch guns was excellent. There should be boost in both accuracy and range. I do know the designers have a slight bugaboo over the AAA being too powerful which means that they probably will not tinker too much with the AAA.
As to propulsion and steering subsystems I have to respectfully disagree with you. At this point in Naval Architecture redundant systems were very advanced so there was back up steering generators and like wise back up generators for the engines along with back up steering systems in general See USS JOHNSON at Samar her steering was out but she had a a 2ndry steering system that was steered on the vocal commands of Capt Evans . Hence that is why the steering and power is not fully knocked out but of course they can be severely damaged. I think the designers are trying to reflect those back up systems at work. Of course it is possible to lose all power or steering but if it gets that bad the ship is probably going to sink anyway.
2ndry batteries: I find your point curious. I have often seen on both my own ships and that of the Germans their 2ndry batteries go red and thus permanently knocked out until their is time in a shipyard. Maybe this is a problem with your software? As it is what you are asking for already exists. I hope I have helped. Keep playing and keep afloat!
I beg to differ with regards to the propulsion systems. If, for example, a smaller warship (like a light cruiser) is torpedoed in the stern, then it is perfectly reasonable for the prop shafts to snap and the rudder to buckle and jam. Such damage cannot be repaired at sea and the stricken ship would require towing. Yes the Johnston maintained her directional control but if she had been hit in the rudder as opposed to the bridge, it would have been a different story. It is the same difference if a torpedo hits an engine room – Yahagi sustained this damage on 7th April ’45 and her entire engine room crew was killed. She remained dead on the water until her destruction.
No disagreement with you in those cases. I SHOULD of said in most cases the redundant systems are enough to keep the ship functional. It is my position that in the case of the game developers they went with what happens most of the time and decided to abstract that. They could of gone into deeper detail to reproduce the circumstances you bring up but for whatever reasons (more than likely the amount of time and work involved) they elected not to.
Yes, I agree – it is rare for such circumstances and therefore they probably aren’t worth putting in – I’m just saying that a totally disabled ship is possible. Ask Bismarck, she knows!
Ask Bismarck…..Damn XD
Well, looking at the site you just recommended, British 5.25 inch guns and 4.7 inch guns were supplied with VT fuzes in the last two years of the war (look under ammunition).
Good point on the propulsion system, but I mentioned the destroyable propulsion systems and steering systems because KMS Scharnhorst should not be able to take 4 submarine-launched torpedoes to her stern and still travel at 20-25 knots following a brief repair at sea during battle. This seems too fast for a ship that has been torpedoed. I would expect its speed to drop to 0-10 knots due to the damage to the screws and engine rooms and flooding.
HMMMM! quite interesting. I’ll check that! The question is and I am asking here, was the ammo provided or does that just mean those guns COULD fire that round? Hope you like the site and btw look at the home page there is a FANTASTIC OOB section!
Re the Scharnhorst you are right and there is no earthly reason why she shouldn’t be dead in the water.
I looked and Golly Gee! You’re right I thought we (the US) wouldn’t share them with the Queen Mum even if she asked nicely! Ok another question then. Were those rounds on ships in the Atlantic or pacific only? I don’t know. Would be interesting to find out.
Oh one more thing…. PLEASE (not just you but to gamers in general and this goes for the developers who do this) stop calling countries “Factions”. I know it is a gaming term but this game has a very real historical context that should be respected and honored. They are not tribes or street gangs! They are nations each fighting for for the the survival of their way of life. In this case it is Liberty versus Fascist enslavement. Using the term “Factions” to me trivializes the real peril Western civilization faced with this struggle and I think ignoring the historical facts which does a disservice to what the men who fought and died on both sides. It also smacks of intellectual laziness. Like Commander Beach in his forward to Herbert Werner’s book ” Iron Coffins” said about the men of the U-Boat Waffen. “Yes it was madness but there were heros who deserve admiration although their cause was wrong.” I fully agree. Not to chastise just saying think a bit about what we are “playing” represents Thank God the Allies won or we may still may be living that hell to this day!
In this game I will fight for The Fascists….lol(German BB superiority)
But yeah,I don’t really use the Term faction,But Allies or Axis,Or just Germany in this Game because the Axis is only one country(As of now,Waiting to see if any Italians will ever come,LITTORIOS NEEDED),While the allies have ships from 3-4 Countries
Dear Matt:
Though I think you are a twisted puppy (wink) I respect your honesty and that we seem to be on the same side as far as this conversation goes. I do agree that those Italians need to start contributing Hee Hee! Now there were Italian U-Boat Captains (See and U-557 was rammed by and Italian Torpedo boat who mistook it for a British submarine! Maybe you want to rethink having the Italians around! They may shell Bismark thinking it is the King George V!
You wrote “While the Allies have ships from 3-4 Countries” Well when you pick a fight with most of the world that is what happens! What happened to that belief in Aryan superiority? (You know as a Brit/ American player I MUST tease!)
Now I Have to look up U-557,Just for fun,Italain “Contribution” 10/10 huehuehue
If they do that to my 75K Renown,Near 50K Ton Battleships….
I will Enjoy hunting your Inferiror Allied BBs With Bismarck,WATCH OUT M8
I recently Blew KGV up with a shell to the Magazines,Was glorious 😉
Hehe,Gotta tease back 😉
Dear Matt:
Yes it does seem that you need to put your Italian friends into intensive ship recognition training! As to hunting my inferior British Battleships good luck on that. I don’t use Battleships! My fleet consists of CV’s a few CA’s and DD’s. I sunk all of the German BB’s with CV’s which were behind a thick smoke screen from my escort ships. The account of the fate of U-557 is here:
Shit just got real
When will release the game?
Looks Great
Cool. Will make sure to make it known that a PC/Mac version of Atlantic Fleet exists at appropriate subreddits when it’s out.
So I noticed a bunch of balance issues in BoTA while playing Royal Navy:
– The merchant routes are absolutely pointless. So wolfpack or a bunch of warsips attack some merchants in the most unexpected areas such as in the Gulf of Mexico and the West Labrador Sea.
– U-Boats. U-boats everywhere, no merchants at all. How am I supposed to win if I can’t even find a merchant or a normal surface combatant?!
– German Air Support reaches towards the West Mediterranean andd the East Sargasso Sea. Deep in Allied territory, a bunch of U-boats(6) spam an Allied convoy with Dorniers and Stukas.
– German ships can teleport. My submarines finds Blucher near Norway, next turn, my cruisers find her cruising the Labrador Sea.
– There are absolutely no ships in Germany, Norway and France. I could casually send in a bunch of battleships and not find a single merchant or destroyer.
I guess that’s all…
Here are some things should be cool in-game:
– Adjusting the depth and range of Depth Charges, for example, only fire on the port or at the center.
– HMS Ark Royal, KMS Graf Zeppelin, Italian Destroyers, French ships for both Allied and Axis(after invasion of France)
– Russian ships for Allies.
– An option for friendly fire. I hate how the scuttle option just randomly lets them sink, why can’t I just scuttle ships myself by shooting them or torping them, like in real life?
– Adding damage options in single/custom battles. For example: Mission #22: Escorting Edinburgh, it says that HMS Edinburgh is crippled. Can it be that Edinburgh is actually heavily damaged when I start the mission? Same goes for all the Bismarck missions, I mean, it’s hard to destroy Bismarck if she’s actually good as new during Mission #16: Sinking the Bismarck. Or maybe also as a feature in Custom Battles, where I can simulate a excort mission, with an Illustrious being escorted by some destroyers because she can’t use her aircraft. (in other words, picking which modules to be damaged.)
I wanna know why people think adding Graf Zeppelin is a good idea…I play Almost solely Germany….I can safely say that it would serve me Absolutely no Purpose
It would require 2 or more Destroyers to Babysit it.Would have No real purpose due to Germany’s Position,Having to get up to Convoys and attack,Something that I’d Much rather leave to Cruisers,BBs,and Subs
Would be Useless for Hunting the Royal Navy as it would Require a Heavier warship or 2 that is more Useful for Convoy Raiding,To escort it,And I don’t have the Rescources to allow this
Really would be Pointless
NOW,Your other suggestions.
Russian ships?-No,The allies have enough,Anything else added isn’t totally necessary,Not a bad suggestion but I’d rather have More U.S or British designs if anything
Depth charges?-Yes…Anything to make them more lethal for players would be great,I could live without it though
Italian and French ships?-Sure,No problem there
Friendly fire?-Yes,It’s just a cool Concept,I’d love to be able to do that,Its realistic-More fun then pressing a button as well,
The last suggestion is good but it wouldn’t exactly be fun for the side with the damaged ships if you decide to play them
to MattF4U-4
what I meant about depth charges was… eh… hard to find an example…
Pacific Fleet!
Remember the Akizuki’s depth charge physics? Now add another line there.
like torpedo spreads, now, depth charge spreads.
Dear the_Patroller:
I do agree that your points are valid and do pose challenges. However I beg to differ on a few.
Convoy routes: I find having a support group (1 CV/4-5 DD) on each of the 3 main routes while having group on station in the Western Approaches (along with the Irminger Sea and the Azores) does offset the other attacks in far flung areas. The AI wants you to spread thin and try to defend everything which you know will not work. Once in a while like once a month in the campaign do a sweep of the areas south of the US and Gibraltar like near Dakar.
Forget the sodding Merchants and surface combatants! KILL UBOATS, KILL MORE UBOATS!!! Break the U-boat fleet that is how you win. I know i have done it twice . The last time I sunk 254 of the bastards! The Battle of the Atlantic campaign is an ASW campaign the surface ships are just eye candy. Hint torpedo them at periscope depth with practice you can nail them easily at 6000 yards or less. use tight spreads spaced .5 degrees each
Axis Air power. I am with you fully. It is out of whack and I wrote often to the developers about how wrong they got it. Gibraltar was bombed by small numbers of Italian planes from July 1940 to July 1943. None of the raids did no where near the level of damage the game has them doing. Any scenario that starts off with a historical air support you shut it off and force the AI to cough up something more realistic.
Teleporting German ships. Yes i agree it is annoying and silly but when you find just kill them and move on. make sure you have the recycle ships option turned off and also make sure only historical ships are used.
Not finding ships in German controlled areas Again forget about finding ships and chasing after them. It diverts your ships that could be used to kill U-boats on the convoy routes. If you are killing enough U-boats the surface ships will come to you because you have become a problem. That is how you make the AI react. Kill 5-10 U-boats in one turn and watch how suddenly the Bismark shows up!! Hopefully it will show up where have 1-2 Illustrious class CV’s around. The main way to win the campaign is to keep a tight grip on the convoy routes
Depth Charges. Well as the war goes on yeah that should be adjusted but if you go with torpedoes you’ll find you will not have to rely on them so much. This last time on the campaign as the RN I only killed 3 subs with depth charges.
Agree with your ship choices except the Graf Zeppelin . I have already made the argument she would be a waste in other posts earlier. No real mission for her and she would be a be a bomb magnet!
Friendly Fire. Be careful of what you wish for! I get your point but you very well may end up sinking a ship you didn’t mean to!
Russian ships (which would mostly be Brit and US lend lease) that would be fine but they can only be in North Cape/ Barents Sea area and probably not in the game until sometime in 1943.
Fighting Steel Project (old game from 1998) allowed you to have a scenario editor and to adjust damage. I don’t think the editors would intend for that kind of detail. I think the idea is interesting but I don’t think they want to go there.
I hope my comments were helpful.
I am now gonna Do British BoTA with some of this advice….
Germany has Spoiled me
STEP TWO:Place ship
STEP THREE:Wait for the Fun to arrive
Kidding,it’s a lot more difficult than that and it’s a race against time And the occasional Sunderland(My U-Boat crews will forever have a Hate for them…),
I’ve Beat the Allied BoTA once…Something like~150~ U-Boats sunk by May of 1942,I could do it again if I wanted but I played Germany from the start and I’m used to their ships
If you want even more awesome carrier vs carrier battles, wait for a new Pacific Fleet game. Both America and Japan had carriers that were a significant detail of the Pacific War. The USN and IJN also a wide range of aircraft carriers from Langley and Hosho to Essex, Taiho, Shinano, and Midway (although it was being made during the war and completed postwar). Essex vs Taiho or Shinano will be more epic than that.
Graf Zeppelin was just a minor detail in WW2. All it did was to house a custodial crew, then blown up so the Soviets couldn’t utilize it. The poor performance of the German surface fleet caused all future surface ships to be abandoned, including this aircraft carrier.
Germany could already win BoTA without Graf Zeppelin. All I needed were a few battleships, destroyers, pocket battleships, and U-boats.
As for other ships you suggested, I have no problem with them.
Saratogas? SARATOGAS? It is the LEXINGTON class, I will have you know!
The Lexington is my favourite Second World War carrier.
I forgot,only one of them survived to do anything so that one stuck out more 😛
Why would You take Lexington over Essex or Yorktown tho?
The Lexingtons have a large aircraft complement, surprisingly good damage control for their age, and they look awesome.
Mostly because they look awesome.
Well the Yorktowns Could carry an Equal number or more Aircraft by the Time they were commissioned and Obviously have any Other upgrades to damage control and such
But I won’t Argue on the Looks,They’re very Pretty ships(BC lines)But I think the Yorktowns look Better,Just My personal opinion
Though the Yorktowns don’t have 8 inches guns 🙂
Who am I kidding, fighting ‘Yorktown’ on damage repair… She took about 5bpmbs and 5 torpedoes, was readied in three days, then three bombs, two torpedoes, two more torpedoes, collateral damage from a sinking destroyer alongside and still took about a day to sink!
At coral sea I don’t think she ate THAT many torpedoes XD
I’ll Read up on it
Buy your Midway damage is spot on…And even after Being torpedoes for the Final time along with the destroyer,She still was Stubbornly remaining afloat but was slowly sinking since a second rescue attempt that was planned never Materialized,For several reasons(The Danger was extreme if they were to try again)
Hornet At Santa Cruz took-
2 Bombs and 2 Torps Initally,Engines crippled,Not able to move under her own power,A plane or 2 crashes into her,Northampton Takes her under tow,She takes one More torpedo,The engine that was Actually repaired Is knocked out,Due to the Japanese Surface Fleet of BBs known to be Coming in,Halsey orders her Scuttled(Rip),Enterprise,South Dakota,And all but 2 Destroyers get the Hell out of there,The destroyers fire 400 Shells into her Abandoned Hulk,along with a Few torps(Surely some didn’t detonate)
She Still remains afloat,Japanese warships are 20 Minutes away,They give up with the Scuttling attempt,The Japanese Arrive and what do they find?,The carrier that Launched the Doolittle Raid,They consider taking her as a war Trophy But she is so Badly damaged that they Decide its not worth trying
The Japanese destroyer FINALLY,fire 2 Type 93 Long lance Torpedoes into the Carrier,She finally goes down
And Enterprise….She takes damage like a Champ throughout the Solomon Islands campaign 😛
Please add the Hunt class destroyer escort it was a very important class in WW2 as the Hunt class escorted convoys and they were all built in Britain and were of British design
Here Here!! I fully agree with and support the Gentleman’s request!
Not a Tribal,Or JKN? not good
The Hunt class gives you the option of spreading out your precious JKN and Tribals in batle groups whilst ( I do speak fluent Brit!) the Hunt class does the close in escort work.
Was making a joke m8,Wouldn’t mind having it,Escorting Every convoy with the Chance of losing up to 12K Renown worth of Destroyers isn’t all that fun….And I Love my Tribals and JKNs
Why not just spam…Old….WW1…..V&Ws,10/10 Best destroyer(actually not bad,But it’s useless to me)
Hunts would Be great,I could cut back on the Number 12K Renown ASW groups(1 Tribal and a JKN cost that much) ,And It would allow me to Occasionally send Them out looking for German destroyers
O,P class are 200 renown cheaper though
Hey did any of you notice if ships taken any damage when a downed air craft hits it or near it? It was prominent in Pacific Fleet but in the four times a plane as hit any of the ships nothing happens except a splash of water. I feel this should be in the game because it makes logical sense even though it happens rarely.
Also if any ships would be added any sides the ships for the Allies should be U.S. Warships like DD, Cruisers, Battleships and carriers like the Ranger. On the Axis side ships from Italy and possible a few Japanese ships if there ever was any action with the Germans and the Japanese.
Dear BB Yamato:
Regarding the flaming aircraft near miss. I think the developers would just a soon let that go in terms of work and time. Remember every time they add more code that is money spent. Any new modification has to be made bug proof so it is not as simple as you might think. As to IJN/Kriegsmarine joint actions. No never happened. There were U-boats in the Pacific and the Indian Ocean doing ferrying of material, high end personnel and disassembled aircraft to be used as prototypes. Both Germany and Japan had their hands filled dealing with the USN and the RN (and later the USN) respectively. Please remember you are dealing with high ego self oriented personalities when you talk about either Hitler or Hirohito, (or Tojo for that matter), the first thing they would ask is “what’s in it for me?” In the case of the IJN hey would just flat out refuse.because they couldn’t spare one ship. Besides there was the practical consideration of how the ships would get to the respective theater of operations. The fact that U-boats got from Japan to Germany is incredible. Please go to combined and that will give you a very good perspective of what the IJN was up against. They had far flung supply lines to protect and then a rampaging US Navy landing Marines EVERYWHERE (HOORRRAAAAHH!)
Here is the wikipedia entry about U-Boat operations in the Indian ocean. It bolsters what I saying earlier. That while the Germans were telling the Japanese they were helping them they really had their own agenda. In this case going after British shipping around the Island of Madagascar. To put this in a game would require a separate Atlantic fleet module devoted to the the Indian Ocean.
That would be Indian fleet.
It has been awhile since I asked, so are any ships planned to be added in iOS?
What’s really left to add?
Kidding,There’s plenty to add,But If I remember right Killerfish says they’re usually working on ships and they add whatever they think would make sense to add
Dear Developers! What do you think about adding separate gun mode,like in reality? Example:In real Sinking Glorious The Twins fired with their main guns on Glorious,and on exact same time fired on destroyers with their secondary guns. And separate main batteries fire mode. And are you interested in official streamer? One russian WoWs streamer is eager to stream AF PC version. Thanks fo reply.
We’ve considered allowing secondaries and primaries to fire in the same turn. By extrapolation we’d then need to allow torpedoes and probably ASW as well.
Our biggest concern is the turn time as allowing the player and then the AI to take multiple actions per turn would dramatically increase the time to play a battle.
Sure, we’d love to see a stream of Atlantic Fleet.
But now, when we have a PC version,I think battle time is no problem. You can add this exclusively for desktop version of the game
Ok been playing the German Battle of the Atlantic mode until 1942. Sank 71 ships and over 5000000 tons of merchant shipping. Found British Subamarines to be my biggest enemy.
Would definetly love to fire my secondaries and primaries simultaneously. I would not care if the battles take longer as a result.
Would also love to be able to use the map to give movement orders. Particularly for subs.
Would love the French and Italians to show up.
To killer fish
Would you Guys ever consider supporting Everyplay To allow Us to record and Post videos On everyplay and YouTube?
Would give me something good to Upload to YouTube
Everplay looks great. Aren’t there alternative recording solutions that can be used right now?
Kamcord support can also be added. With that, Atlantic Fleet can be livestreamed directly from mobile device.
I don’t Know of any others,Sorry
But will you consider Adding it?
I’ve been wanting to Make a series on The BoTA mode,But I can’t record it any upload it to YouTube
killerfish you sould add the german carrier Graf Zeppellin
I’m pretty sure a lot of people disagree
any chance of FIDO
We felt FIDO was a little too overpowered due to the homing.
Will people ever be able to mod Atlantic Fleet?
Not sure. We have yet to examine how to reveal game assets and data for modding.
If possible please add the ability to fire both Main and Secondary guns at the same time to Alantic Fleet or at least the next game
Agree with you BB Yamato. Secondaries need to targeted separately than primaries. They can be fired at the same time to speed up turns.
Is a remake of pacific fleet planned?
(Pacific fleet now has less ships than Atlantic fleet lite)
Hey, I’ve got just one question: When is this amazing game going to be on the Mac App store and such?! I want to play it so bad, but I think that the Steam page might be a little sketchy for my MacBook…
Not sure we’ll release via the Mac Store. It is a lot of work to set up and support the various stores for so few Mac users.
I am also awaiting the game’s release on the Mac App Store. I’m not much of a Steam guy, but I look forward to playing the Desktop version.
Ever since the pc 1.1 update there is a bug with the low quality settings graphics that wasn’t present in version 1.0 the graphics is messed up parts of it look still
Are you referring to the ocean graphic?
This is fixed in version 1.02 now available.
What are the possibilities of having the USS New York and USS Texas in the game?
This has been suggested quite a few times-like North Carolina (which was added) to maybe a 30-40% chance
plus added New York class might mean they would have to add Wyoming-class and Nevada-class
How many nations is in PC edition and is there difference between mobile version and PC version BoTA?
Just asking because i love BoTA so much that i play it on my tablet at least 2h a day and Is there any chance that you can make Graf Zeppelin on mobile/PC version, and one last question, can you add italy/france fleets and/or italy and france Mediteranean ports on BoTA because its annoying how i need to get into kiel/wilhelmshaven to repair in 1939(i know there was 2 questions but im so diehard BoTA fan)
Nothing new For PC,anything new for PC will probably come to the Regular Mobile version anyway.
The PC is a complete rebuild of the Same game to optimize it for PC/Mac
Thanks, and you asked earlier on chat “why everyone wants Graf Zeppelin on atlantic fleet” heres the
answer, just for fun
killerfish games are you planning to make any S-Boot’s on atlantic fleet? And can you make fuel/range to ships, because its kind of weird to see torpedo boats on gulf of mexico.
I like the limited fuel addition idea. It would really make BoTA a lot harder for me because I almost always never go back to port. But I guess the supply ships serve as the refueling stations but this would still be a nice addition
I forgot to answer this,It’s a good idea
Let’s look at German Destroyers
The Type 1934 and 1934A in game are literally exactly the same,Irl the A had Longer range
The Type 1936 had An even farther range but in game it’s the exact same performance for half the torpedoes and 400 renown more.Theres no point in buying any Destroyers with the 1936 Label except for the As with the 5.9 inch guns and faster speed
Though It’s be best to simply leave it optional for people who don’t feel like putting up with it,And it would be quite hard to implement(How far would a Group patrol within 3.5 Days? You never know)
Yes, S-boats and MTBs would be nice, though limiting them to coastal waters might be difficult technically. A few Italian ships would be good, as others have said. Are there any Polish ships? Wasn’t there a Polish Tribal? ‘Piorun’? A Free French ship would be nice, but not sure I’d bother with the Vichy fleet. How about a Flower class corvette called ‘Compass Rose’?
Sharing some videos of another guy that reviewed Atlantic Fleet:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Perhaps I am doing something wrong but while playing AF using Stream, I find that the Splash History is is sometimes blank after firing. I know there is a Hot Key (H) to turn it on and off plus a button on the screen. Despite turning it on and off, it is often blank instead of showing me the range of my last salvo.
What gives?
This usually happens if the firing ship loses sight of the target.
Either during the movement phase the target was switched or another ship blocked line of sight to the target.
please add geminicarrier”Grafzeppelin”and italibattleship”Loma””Littolio”,andso on